January 6th, 2021

I was incredibly ill with the COVID on January 6th last year. I have seen no entries in my Facebook memories for last year since a cursory post from January 2nd. COVID-19 was the worst experience of my life, bar none. That being the case, I did not experience the…

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On Progress

Economic progress mandates mass sociopolitical integration and acceptance of a more complex and complicated world. It is simple to manage a world in which rock and fire are cutting edge technologies. It doesn’t require much outside input, let alone division of labor, and we can keep our circle small and…

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On Racism

I’ve spent the last half-week in serious mental conflict. On one hand, I detest white nationalism, white supremacy, and Nazism. I find the individuals who choose to associate with such ideologies to be deplorable. They are cretinous mouth-breathers, worthy of no respect or intellectual engagement. I rebuke them and their…

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On Net Neutrality

So-called Net Neutrality is the idea that all traffic that traverses the internet should be treated equally by all carriers. In theory this sounds like a noble goal, and I don’t take too much issue with the idea from a theoretical perspective. From a practical perspective, though, the idea is…

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On The Human Condition

While human existence certainly changes, the human condition generally does not. We are more or less the same creatures that we were 100,000 years ago, with the same hopes and fears, and the same foibles and motivations that our ancestors had. When we look at the history of human governance,…

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On Rights

Too often people conflate the concept of Rights with the concept of Privilege. These are very distinct things and we should do our best to make certain that when we are talking about them, those in the conversation understand which concept we are discussing. Rights, properly defined, are those things…

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On Socialism

Practical Socialism has existed since civilization began, although not necessarily by that name. The vast majority of human history involves the state control of capital and production. Socialism’s ideas are as old as the first town that was ever ruled. Where did that ever get the common man? Today’s Socialists…

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On Liberty

My assessment of human history leads me to make a couple of observations on liberty. 1 — Those societies whose laws protect individual liberty, and defer to individual liberty as much as possible, are the most prosperous and harmonious societies in the recorded history of mankind. Liberty promotes tolerance, equality,…

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